Monday, October 26, 2009

Weekend Find

This weekend I was at the library's annual book sale. I only had about 20 minutes to look which isn't really long enough to fully explore all they had to offer. I spent a fair amount of time looking through the boxes of sheet music and found this:

I was quite excited - I love the long dances on Jane Austen movies (particularly the BBC versions of Pride & Prejudice and Emma) and this book has the sheet music as well as the instructions for the dance! What fun! Now I need a dozen people or so to do the dances with. It's been interesting reading through and trying to figure it all out. Some of the steps are self-explanatory: "Turn Single" for instance is a dancer making a whole turn on their own. Some make less sense. "The Single" - On the first beat of the bar a spring is made, forwards, or sideways, on to one foot, say the right; the left foot is then brought up beside it, the weight wholly or in part momentarily supported up on it, and, on the second beat of the bar, transferred to the right foot in position. Whew! I don't suppose I'll find a companion DVD, do you? A fair amount of experience in ballet and Irish dancing, as well as multiple viewings of Jane Austen films, has helped deciper all this.

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